« 2014年3月 | メイン

The MTPaginate tag only works within PHP documents!
Make sure that the document extension is .php and that your server supports PHP documents.
1) $paginate_current_page = 1; $paginate_sections = array( 0 , 1); $paginate_top_section = $paginate_sections[$paginate_current_page-1]+1; $paginate_bottom_section = $paginate_sections[$paginate_current_page]; } else { $paginate_top_section = 1; $paginate_bottom_section = 1; } if(isset($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'])) { $paginate_self = '&' . $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'] . '&'; $paginate_self = preg_replace("/&page=[^&]*&/", "&", $paginate_self); $paginate_self = preg_replace("/&page_section=[^&]*&/", "&", $paginate_self); $paginate_self = substr($paginate_self, 1, strlen($paginate_self) - 1); if($paginate_self == '&') $paginate_self = ''; else $paginate_self = htmlentities($paginate_self); } else { $paginate_self = ''; } $paginate_self = basename($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']) . "?${paginate_self}page"; ?>


宮城教育大学 環境教育研究 紀要

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発行日: 2015.03
分類: 紀要・活動報告・研究報告等

: 日本 ;

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